Category Archives: wedding weight

Finding the Fire

Love this.

What makes you push yourself harder than you ever thought you could?

You know – those times in life where your whole body is just like “why are we doing this?” and you continue to give it all you’ve got. Then when you finish – you realize that you are SO much stronger than you thought you were. I’ve been preparing myself over the last month or so for a big self PUSH with my workouts. I was just waiting for classes to be over to get started with my new plan – I’m starting TURBOfire on Monday (this links to my beachbody page where you can check out details about turbofire if you want).

Now – there are no more excuses and I’ll be starting my Summer PUSH Series next week.

So, I was thinking – who else wants to be in on this with me? You don’t have to do the same program (although you can if you want – just ask me for details), you just have to come up with something that PUSHES you beyond your normal routine and out of your comfort zone. For some of you who are already working out – this may mean starting a more intense workout routine. For some who don’t really work out, this may mean incorporating 3-5 days of working out this summer.

Other Ideas:
Not a runner? Being the Couch to 5k program and sign up for a 5k in August so you can train with a goal.
Have access to a pool? Challenge yourself to swim several times a week. Work up to 45 minutes of swimming non stop. This is harder than it sounds!
Interested in cycling? Join a local bike group to work on your endurance – almost every city has bike rides at a variety of levels!
Already a member of a gym? Add strength training to your cardio workouts.
Can’t afford a gym? Create circuits at your house and in your neighborhood with just a few types of equipment (set of dumbbells (7-10 lbs & a resistance band/tube would be a good place to start). You can utilize stairs, chairs, benches, hilly streets, you name it to get a great work out in. If you need some help putting an idea together – let me know.
Want to work out at home? I have tons of programs to recommend. Ask me for a personalized recommendation – happy to help!

So wherever you are – what can you do to PUSH yourself past your normal limits this summer?

I am not expecting this PUSH Series to be easy – I’m going to need some major accountability from my readers, my real-life work out buddies, my husband, my friends, from strangers. 🙂 It’s going to be tough committing to SIX days a week of working out. Yeesh. And that’s just for this new program I’m doing. But I also have to allow for some of my regularly scheduled workouts to happen – you know, like that weekly class I teach 🙂 And I’d also like to be biking some this summer. So this is definitely going to PUSH me in ways I haven’t been pushed in awhile.

For me, the warmer weather and the slow down in pace at work is always the best time for me to kick into high gear. I find I’m most successful at losing weight in the summer months. So this it is – next week, it’s on.

What will you do to PUSH yourself? Share your plan with me and we can help keep each other accountable. My goal is to complete this 12 week program – and then get up the next day and do it all over again.


Filed under goals, health, Life, motivation, relationships, resources, wedding weight, weight loss